Ekspedycja : Any information in English or German
Hello, Poland !
I am sorry I don't read or speak Polish, but I hope any of you understand English.
I am Eilif from Norway, seeking information about your reality show Ekspedycja. That series was based on the Norwegian concept "71 degrees North", that is also sold to several other countries. I have tried to collect information about the different series on a web site : http://www.elkraft.ntnu.no/~eilif/71nord.htm
If any of you can supply more information about the Ekspedycja series, I would appreciate it. What do you think about the series/concept ? Do you know anything about the ratings ? The full names (and age) of the participants ? Any good web links ?
And : If any of you can help me with a copy of the series (the whole or just some episodes), I would be very grateful. I can offer copies of the Norwegian or the American series (VHS or DVD) for trade.
Please reply in English or German, either here or directly to eilif@elkraft.ntnu.no
A by mi kto¶ mógł wytłumaczyć o co w tej dyskusji chodzi?