Bethany Joy&Hilarie Burton


Nie wiem czy wiecie ale Joy i Hil trzymaj± się razem najbardziej z całej obsady. Mieszkaj± koło siebie,zawsze ciepło się o sobie wypowiadaj± i na planie zawsze razem się wygłupiaj±.

Pare cytatów:

+ Joie o Hilarie +
“I love Hilarie, she's got such a great heart and I love the way she functions and she's a great friend. We also live near each other...” –MSN Chat

“Hilarie is feminine and compassionate.” – Twist Magazine

“And Hilarie too, Hilarie’s like my literary buddy. You know, we sit around, and we play chess, and we talk about books, she’s an artist. She’s an incredible artist. She’s got a great singing voice, you know we have fun singing together on set and stuff." – WB Insider

"Hilarie is my favorite person to work with, we get along the best."


+ Hilarie o Joie +
“Her name is Joie, we call her Joybutter. She’s from somewhere very far away and we thank God every day that they sent her here because she is so unique and so just from any person I’ve ever met. You know, at first we were all like, Joie, she’s different. And then we realized, Oh my God, this girl’s like the coolest. She can do anything. She’s got wild ideas, and she’s just a fun, fun person to hang out with. So when we were all divvying up things to do for the game, you know, Chad and James were playing, Sophia was a team mom, I was a team mom, and a cheerleader. I’m like what can Joie do? Duh, sing. Joie’s got the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. You know, she’s gotta record an ablum, she’s gotta be on Broadway. Broadway’s like her dream. And so it’s only a matter of time before that happens. Cause I just feel that she’s one of those people who’s way too good to be down here with us. And so Joie said, ‘Fine, I’ll sing,’ and I was trying to find somebody to play a guitar on set last week and nobody was really biting, and so Joie disappeared and apparently Joie went off and taught herself how to play her own rendition of the national anthem on guitar. So, she’s running late and I’m calling her, I’m like, ‘Joie, dude they’re holding the game, where are you?’ She’s like, ‘I’m five minutes away. I’ll be there.’ Next thing you know, ‘Alright, give it up for Bethany Joy Lenz.’ Joy had run from her car, she had just left it in the parking lot, ran with her guitar, propped herself up on the side of a deck. Like she didn’t even get a real chair or a stool. Her leg was all cropped up underneath her. And sets the notebook down and just plays. In the process, drops her pick, picks it up without missing a beat and sings the most beautiful version of the national anthem that I’ve ever heard in my entire life.” - MTV Diary Unaired

“Joie and I craft together, cook together. She came over for dinner the other night." -WB Insider

“And Joie is great. Joie’s my vintage thrift shopping friend.” - WB Random Rant

"Moving down to North Carolina, we all had our little hardships. We were all away from our friends and we were very isolated down there. I was homesick. Joy [as in Bethany Joy Lenz] came to my rescue. She knew exactly how I was feeling. She's a very old soul and very spiritual. She can make any situation better." -WB Interview

“Joie. Joie. I love her, man. She’s my best friend down here. But she lives on Joypiter.” – Celebrity Tastemaker

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